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I'm a mom, but I am also so much more. I'm a wife, I work, cook, shop, craft, try to stay healthy, keep up on the latest technology, and style trends, and much more! Come join me in my adventure of making a new blog that allows us to share the everyday things (ups and downs) that turns living an everyday life into living a lively life!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How does your garden grow?

Do you have a back yard veggie garden?

Backyard gardening seems to be growing in popularity. The year after we purchased our house my husband built a raised bed for a veggie garden. 
Due to the cold spring I was really late in getting started this year but after only 3 weeks if growth it's looking good. I am already drooling at the thought of a fresh garden salad. 

New to my garden this year are cucumbers. (Lettuce, spinach, carrots, peas, tomatoes, jalapeños, onions and herbs are all returning plants.)

I decided to nix the bell peppers. I've had no luck with those the last three years.

What about you? Do you garden? How big? For fun, fresh produce, to save money? Do you have tips to share?

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