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I'm a mom, but I am also so much more. I'm a wife, I work, cook, shop, craft, try to stay healthy, keep up on the latest technology, and style trends, and much more! Come join me in my adventure of making a new blog that allows us to share the everyday things (ups and downs) that turns living an everyday life into living a lively life!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Observation of nature :-)

We have a new 'per' in the house, a caterpillar! 

I found it chowing on my parsley plant.  I was going to take it  off and throw it in the weeds in the yard but my daughter saw it and thought it was the coolest thing ever. So I figured why not, a great chance to watch nature in action.
We used a glass ball jar I had in the pantry and some plastic wrap up with a few holes for air. A simple bit of research online Told me it was a black swallow butterfly that like to eat carrots, celery, dill, and parsley. (Makes sense why he was on my parsley)
So here we are with our pet caterpillar, watching him grow daily, and I am willingly (?) feeding him my parsley.

I do admit, we do look forward to seeing him make a cocoon and hatch into a butterfly. It'll be a great experience for my daughter to watch nature in action.

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